

Delight, day after day.

Brand Identity

Our new visual identity takes the contrasting qualities of a well rounded customer service approach and the hard edged precision of the manufacturing process. A single typeface forms the basis of the design system with a logotype and Acorn marque functioning as primary components. 

Whilst the acorn may seem like an obvious choice the symbolism is reflective of family and growth, ideas at the very heart of the Oaktree offer.

A warm and welcoming colour palette shuns the standard monochrome approach within this sector in favour of tones inspired by the origins of the product and the people who make it.

An infinitely flexible pattern reinforces the connection to India but also speaks of journeys through space and the expert re-configuration and management of zones. The hard edges of the home against the flow of human interaction.

Content and Art Direction

High quality CGI imagery reflects the many and varied possibilities of the Oaktree product. A sense of real life human habitation was important as well as the expression of quality and attention to detail.

Spaces needed to provide enough context to fuel the imagination but not so much that they became prescriptive.


My words don’t do justice to the great work Graphical House has done for Oaktree.

Aravind Kashyap
Managing Director





I feel the journey of our brand has just begun. Personally, it has always been a fight between wishful thinking and what is realistically possible, Graphical House helped me find my balance. Their work goes beyond branding and positively impacts our overall business, a knowledge that guides us so beautifully. It is beauty with a purpose. I am looking forward to many more wonderful things together.

Aravind Kashyap
Managing Director